myrtle tran
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myrtle tran liked the article Judas Priest Hits the Charts with 'Firepower'
How cool is this?
Per an article in Billboard magazine, Judas Priest's new album Firepower has entered the Billboard 200 albums chart at No. 5, making it the best-charting album in the band's storied history. Yes, that's......MORE »

myrtle tran posted a comment on the article Judas Priest Hits the Charts with 'Firepower'
It is cool......MORE »

myrtle tran updated her profile

myrtle tran posted a comment on the product H-1004SE
omg my favorite guitar......MORE »

myrtle tran posted a comment on the video Tech Corner: EverTune - Tuning with the Hex Key (4/8)
great!......MORE »

myrtle tran liked the comment on Tech Corner: EverTune - Tuning with the Hex Key (4/8)
I'm dying I need a guitar to live.REDD Heavy Metal.I'm dying I need a guitar to live.REDD Heavy Metal.I'm dying I need a guitar to live.REDD Heavy Metal.I'm dying I need a guitar to live.REDD Heavy Metal.I'm dying I need a......MORE »

myrtle tran updated her profile status
what a wonderful day

myrtle tran became friends with jt76