Paul d.
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Paul d. liked the comment on LTD 30TH ANNIVERSARY KH-3 SPIDER
Came w/ an anniversary pick tin filled with picks, a hat, a tote bag and a pretty decent leather strap. It was set up and pretty much in tune (a few cents flat) I threw schaller strap locks on and it’s a beast. Love it ......MORE »

Paul d. posted a comment on the product KH-2 NECK THRU BODY
Very true, but having the availability of E-II signature guitars instead of just LTD's / ESP's would be nice. A step up over LTD if you will. I currently own an ESP KH-2 NTB from 2009 and was able to get that at a very......MORE »

Paul d. liked the comment on KH-2 NECK THRU BODY
Thanks for the suggestions......MORE »

Paul d. posted a comment on the product KH-2 NECK THRU BODY
An E-II version of this or the ouija models would be amazing! Or, wishful thinking, a KH-MUMMY ......MORE »