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Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage updated his profile

Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage uploaded a photo

Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage posted the photo album My ESPs

Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage posted a comment on the product M-1000

This guitar is a dream come true. Not only is the Candy Apple Red Satin finish gorgeous, but the functionality and build superb! The Fishman pickups are very versatile. With the stainless steel frets and hardware, this will......MORE »
Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage designed a M-II NTB FR - Paulo Rage

M-II NTB FR - Paulo Rage
Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage designed a M-II NTB FR - Paulo Rage

M-II NTB FR - Paulo Rage
Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage liked the product M-1000

Paulo Rage

Paulo Rage completed his profile

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