Ryan Shinn
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Ryan Shinn became friends with Travis L.

Ryan Shinn became friends with JAMES M.

Ryan Shinn updated his profile

Ryan Shinn liked the comment on Who is the best guitarist ?
Why isnt Andy James in the Poll? He can smoke all these dudes on guitar. Check him out on you tube playing "What lies benteath" if you havent yet you wont be disapointed.......MORE »

Ryan Shinn voted on the poll Satin or Gloss Black finish ?
Ryan Shinn voted Satin
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Ryan Shinn voted on the poll Favorite strings gauges?
Ryan Shinn voted 10-52
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Ryan Shinn voted on the poll Witch one out of these guitars would you get?
Ryan Shinn voted EC-1000VB EMG / EBONY
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Ryan Shinn voted on the poll Witch one out of these guitars would you get?
Ryan Shinn voted USA ECLIPSE-II SW
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