Schuyler A.
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Schuyler A. liked the comment on LTD KH DEMONOLOGY
I love is guitars ......MORE »

Schuyler A. disliked the comment on JH-600 CTM
The kh 602 is absolutely perfect
LTD is awesome. To bad they don't just brand them as ESP.
It feels as if you're buying something that's not worthy to be called an ESP. But it is! Be proud of it! ......MORE »

Schuyler A. posted a comment on the product JH-600 CTM
Got my JH-600 CTM a couple of months ago, and I love it. It’s a great Hanneman model and just a great guitar all around. Fit and finish are just sbout perfect. There is a tiny — and I do mean tiny — amount of paint bleed......MORE »

Schuyler A. updated their profile

Schuyler A. liked the comment on JH-600 CTM
I've been a die-hard ESP fan since the late 1980s, after buying Javier Carpio's 1987 ESP M1 Custom (as seen in the Master Killer music video by Merauder). After owning dozens of ESP guitars since then, I refused to ever use......MORE »

Schuyler A. posted a comment on the product JH-600 CTM
I started hounding my ESP dealer as soon as I saw this announced, and we put my order in earlier this year. I’ve been a fan of Jeff’s work with Slayer for a long time, and I’m so glad to see the JH-600 CTM specced out like......MORE »

Schuyler A. posted a comment on the product LTD KH DEMONOLOGY
I just got a Demonology as my first LTD, and I couldn’t be more pleased. It’s built very well, the fret work is impressive, and it plays and sounds great. I was a little worried that the Bone Breakers would be overly tame......MORE »

Schuyler A. liked the product JH-600 CTM