Scott Abene
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Finally set up a user profile here. Love my ESP, LTD and 48th Street Custom Guitars! - updated
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Scott Abene became friends with Amir Hossein Veghar Farahnak

Scott Abene liked the forum post Re: 2018 Prototype Previews
I would love to see ESP / LTD start doing something like this so that I no longer would have to take a router to my guitars...
Stock TE-202
Customized TE-202
It would also be fantastic to see this model with the......MORE »

Scott Abene replied to the forum post 2018 Prototype Previews
I would love to see ESP / LTD start doing something like this so that I no longer would have to take a router to my guitars...
Stock TE-202
Customized TE-202
It would also be fantastic to see this model with the......MORE »

Scott Abene became friends with Gabe VNON Rosales

Scott Abene became friends with Steven H.

Scott Abene became friends with James C.

Scott Abene became friends with Jeff K.

Scott Abene updated his profile
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