Simon Hill
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Simon Hill updated his profile

Simon Hill posted a comment on the article RIP Glenn Snoddy, The Man Who Accidentally Invented Metal
R.I.P.......MORE »

Simon Hill liked the comment on RIP Glenn Snoddy, The Man Who Accidentally Invented Metal
R.I.P......MORE »

Simon Hill liked the article RIP Glenn Snoddy, The Man Who Accidentally Invented Metal
Here's a question: what would have happened if no one had ever heard the sound of a distorted guitar? Go ahead and think about songs like Metallica's "Master of Puppets", George Lynch's "Mr. Scary", or Slayer's "Raining......MORE »

Simon Hill became friends with Todd B. ESP

Simon Hill became friends with Kristofer Dommin

Simon Hill became friends with Ted Aguilar

Simon Hill became friends with Chris K.