Michael S.
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Michael S. liked the comment on PHOENIX-1004
I play the older version of this, (Phoenix 204,) in my band Hrönn, and it's incredible!.. I upgraded the pickups to EMG PJ before this version came out, (must have been on to something there!)
Looking forward to getting my......MORE »

Michael S. liked the comment on PHOENIX-1004
Bought one of these Basses and love the hell of it.... I've owned Gibson Thunder bird, and Gibson has has no competition over it.... ......MORE »

Michael S. became friends with GuitarBeastKing

Michael S. posted a comment on the product PHOENIX-1004
I play the older version of this, (Phoenix 204,) in my band Hrönn, and it's incredible!.. I upgraded the pickups to EMG PJ before this version came out, (must have been on to something there!)
Looking forward to getting my......MORE »

Michael S. updated their profile