Steven B.
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Steven B. posted a comment on the product PHOENIX-1004
You don't need a video, it's a awesome bass. ......MORE »

Steven B. disliked the comment on PHOENIX-1004
Hey ESP, I am from India and I am very much interested in this model but cant seem to find any videos or reviews about this guitar. Could you please kindly upload a video of this guitar and how it sounds! \,,/......MORE »

Steven B. posted a comment on the product PHOENIX-1004
Bought one of these Basses and love the hell of it.... I've owned Gibson Thunder bird, and Gibson has has no competition over it.... ......MORE »

Steven B. posted a comment on Steven B.'s profile
I bought this bass a year ago, Love it. Excellent tones and playability.... . Amazing. Wish it came in white ......MORE »

Steven B. liked the product PHOENIX-1004
I bought this bass a year ago, Love it. Excellent tones and playability.... . Amazing. Wish it came in white