Stu Dowling
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Stu Dowling replied to the forum post 2022 New Guitar Prototype Previews
Yeah it's like Jacksons or Ibanez with the knob right next to the pickup, and it's even worse with a tremolo. That whole area becomes too crowded and I can't palm mute anything on the high E. That's why I've always pulled the......MORE »

Stu Dowling liked the forum post Re: 2022 New Guitar Prototype Previews
HH config and one knob for volume FAR away from the strings and we’re rockin’!!!! I love ESP but please for the love of god move the volume knob further away ......MORE »

Stu Dowling uploaded the video Viper 256-P

Stu Dowling liked the video Helloween: "Skyfall"

Stu Dowling updated his profile
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