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Anthony B.

Anthony B. designed a ECLIPSE USA - Anthony B.

ECLIPSE USA - Anthony B.
Anthony B.

Anthony B. posted a comment on the product EC-1000

Incorrect grammar drives me nuts too lol......MORE »
Anthony B.

Anthony B. liked the comment on EC-1000

This guitar is sick, ordering one this week. But as a company of your caliber, please spell check your descriptions. "Coil spotting"? Makes you look sloppy, which you are definitely not. Sorry if I'm a grammar bitch, but you......MORE »
Anthony B.

Anthony B. posted the forum post Looking for a spalted maple EC1000

Had one last year. Sold it. Regretting it every day since I sold it lol.  does anyone have this guitar and if so, I’d like to purchase it from you. Please lemme know. ......MORE »
Anthony B.

Anthony B. became friends with GuitarBeastKing

Anthony B.

Anthony B. updated his profile

Anthony B.

Anthony B. posted a comment on the product E-II ECLIPSE

I have this. Plays great. Sounds great. Feels great. Stays in tune. Love it !......MORE »
Anthony B.

Anthony B. posted a comment on the product E-II ECLIPSE

I don’t like EMG myself but this guitar slays......MORE »