ESP LTD EC-1000 + M-1000 June 2022
Feels to good to be teaming up with John again putting out a couple riff jams. I cant express how fun, exciting and magical it is to come up with a riff and send it off to him and see what it comes up with. Guitar playing is...
ESP LTD Arrow-1000 CARS w/ Mooer GE300 Lite
Guitar signal chain:
- ESP LTD Arrow-1000 (C# standard tuning)
- Mooer GE300 Lite
- Ableton Live 9 Standard
Song: Late Honkola - "Lasisade"...
LTD GT-600 Glen Tipton Signature
Jamming this gorgeous axe with sick pickups,the EMG Vengeance set....
InVase/Graves Of The Innocent collaboration - Godwink
Collaboration between myself and my friend Pat Garrett. I'm using my LTD HB-300 Baritone, my LTD MH1000NT and also my LTD D-6 six string bass....
Sunday With Ola Riff Challenge 69 w/ ESP E-II Viper Baritone
Gear used in the song:
- ESP E-II Viper Baritone loaded w/ EMG 57 & 60 (drop B tuning)
- Focusrite Scarlett Solo
- Neural DSP Soldano SLO-100
- Ableton Live...
Gold Digger - Edwards E-LP-125SDP
I had to make a little adjustment to the Cymbals in the Gold Digger track but here it is once again.. The Duncan p90s get some delush tones for leads and solo in this ESP Edwards Goldtop!...
Esp Viper - Riff of the Week
Heavy Guitar Tones and Riffs with my
ESP Viper loaded with EMG 81/85 pickups
stay tuned !!
check my Videos on YouTube
Morley Analog Multi AFX-1 - Diamond Distortion - E-II M-II Bolt-on FR
Chorus melodic music track using the new Morley Analog Multi FX AFX-1.
Diamond Distortion with chorus rhythm guitars, Solo with classic Wah and Emerald Echo used for outro.
Settings can be seen in video..
LTD M - 1001NT Charcoal Burst (DEMO)
Death/Thrash Metal riffing and soloing on a brand new LTD M-1001 NT Charcoal Burst. In style of: Death, Sepultura, Suffocation and Pestilence....
Tornado Of Souls Megadeth Guitar Solo Cover By Andres Castro
Interpreting one of the great Guitar Solos of the great Megadeth Group and its song Tornado of Souls. Dale If you like...
I’ll make a man out of you - Guitar Cover
To end 2023 with ESP I decided to make this cover in the heart of the Dolomites with my EII MII HT! So hope you enjoy and wish you all happy holidays
Rock n Roll ...
Riff of the Week // Esp Viper
Recording some Heavy Thrash Groove Metal Guitar Riffs with my ESP Guitars Esp Guitars Esp Viper loaded with EMG 81 / 85 pickups !!
Blending a Mesa Boogie mini Rectifier & a Peavey Invective MH !!
Check my Videos on...
Defender of Gods (guitar playthrough)
Released one of my old demos as a response for Wintersuns ridiculous "legendary early demos" thing
This is a playthrough for that song. Quite fun to play actually.
Playing MH-1007ET/SW through Bogren Digital MLC S_ZERO...
This is a playthrough for that song. Quite fun to play actually.
Playing MH-1007ET/SW through Bogren Digital MLC S_ZERO...
ESP in it's full strength
Everyone did a cover of a ballad. How do you like this "classic" goes ESP Enjoy. ...
The End A.D. Official Video
The brand new video for the new The End A.D. single "Why Won't You Die" has now been released via Fastball Music....