Damian A.
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Damian A. posted a comment on the product E-II M-II HT
I love how it looks vintage, modern, jazzy, and metal all at the same time. I want haha ......MORE »

Damian A. posted a comment on the product E-II HORIZON FR-7
I will get double fisted by a silver back if it means I can I play this. ......MORE »

Damian A. posted a comment on the photo album Viper Artists
Where's Dir en Grey throughout this website haha
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Damian A. posted a comment on the poll Witch one out of these guitars would you get?
The Pheonix wasn't meant for metal, man. ......MORE »

Damian A. voted on the poll Witch one out of these guitars would you get?
Damian A. voted Phoenix-1000
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Damian A. voted on the poll What's your favourite amp's brand ?
Damian A. voted Blackstar
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Damian A. voted on the poll What would you like to see most from ESP USA for next year?
Damian A. voted None of the above
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