GuitarBeastKing: "The Hunter" (playthrough cover)
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ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Community member GuitarBeastKing has posted tons of videos to the ESP site using a guitar we no longer make, but has an interesting lineage. For a couple of years in the early 2010s,...
Trashgreen: Three Levels of Gain on the LTD Bill Kelliher BK-600
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! Here's All Access member Trashgreen, who has contributed many videos to the community using his sizable collection of ESP guitars. His latest video has him using his LTD Bill...
Dokken - Breaking the Chains Guitar Cover (ESP LTD Elite ST-1) (2022)
Originally posted to YouTube:
Dokken - Breaking the Chains guitar cover (from "Breaking the Chains", 1981). The rhythm is pretty straightforward, but this is definitely one of...
Darren Stroud: "New ESP T-Shirt Jam" on the LTD EC-256
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! What inspires you to musical greatness? Inspiration can come in many forms, and from many directions. Hearing a new band whose sound you like is often helpful. Sometimes inspiration...
LTD Josh Middleton Signature Series JM-II
Josh Middleton is the acclaimed and highly influential guitarist of UK-based progressive metal/metalcore bands Sylosis and Architects, and his first ESP Signature Series guitar is one that lives up to this musician’s...
Wiley Arnett (Sacred Reich) Interview
ESP artist Wiley Arnett from influential Phoenix, AZ-based thrash metal band Sacred Reich is one of the most longterm continuous endorsees of ESP, with a relationship that goes back about 30 years. Enjoy this interview from...
Errha Studios: "Lured" on the LTD AP-5 Bass
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! This is the second time we've featured Paris, France-based All Access member Errha Studios and her powerful bass playing. This time she's on an LTD AP-5 doing a bass playthrough on...
NAMM 2023: ENGL Limited Edition Fireball 25 with 212 Speaker Cabinet
Live from the ENGL booth at NAMM 2023, PJ Zitarosa & ENGL artist Karim K discuss the Limited Edition Fireball 25 with 212 Speaker Cabinet....
Will Adler (Lamb of God) Unboxes his New ESP USA Eclipse
Lamb of God guitarist and ESP Signature artist Will Adler came to us awhile back with a set of personalization options for his next ESP USA Eclipse. In this video, you'll not only get to see Will's reaction during his first...
Victor Kovalchuk: Drop-C Brutality on the LTD EC-401
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We always take notice when we get a new submission from Ukraine-based community member Victor Kovalchuk. This time, he's picked up an LTD EC-401 in Charcoal Satin finish, and finds...
Florian Soum: "Servitude" (cover)
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We've chosen video submissions from France-based ESP All Access member Florian Soum several times now. He's got that winning combination of excellent playing skill, great-sounding...
NAMM 2024: Introducing the LTD Deluxe H3-1000FR
Specs & information: LTD Deluxe H3-100FR (Metallic Silver)...
Joan Rockguitar: "Overture 1928" (playthrough cover)
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! It's always a welcome sight when we see a newer member of the All Access community do a cool video upload. Today, it's Joan Rockguitar, using his ESP E-II M-II on a cover of the solo...
Tetrarch: "Negative Noise" Playthrough for EMG-TV
ESP artists Diamond Rowe and Josh Fore of Tetrarch did this remote playthrough performance of "Negative Noise" for our friends at EMG, and it was too good not to share. Josh is playing one of our "New for 2021" guitars, the...
Lost Society: "112"
Lost Society, the Finnish modern metal band featuring ESP players Samy Elbanna (guitar, lead vocals), Arttu Lesonen (guitar), and Mirko Lehtinen (bass), have released "112", the first single off their upcoming album If The...
Lars Frederiksen (Rancid) on the LTD Volsung-200
Lars Frederiksen, guitarist and songwriter for the iconic punk rock band Rancid, is here to tell you about his Signature Series LTD Volsung-200, a version of his famous guitar that's priced for players on a tighter budget who...
Giovanni Rovatti: "Cognitive Occupation" on the ESP E-II M-II
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! As we musicians know very well, guitarists don't all sound alike, play alike, or look alike. But sometimes even we are guilty of judging a book by its cover. In the case of community...
How to Play Norwegian Black Metal Guitar by Teloch (Mayhem)
So, you've always wanted to learn how to play in the style of Norwegian black metal, but never managed to figure it out on your own? Never fear; Teloch is here! However, keep in mind that he claims a) not to know anything...
Anthony Lumpkins: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" (playthrough cover)
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! We were headbanging as soon as community member Anthony Lumpkins hit the first downpicked chord in this playthrough cover of Metallica's classic song "For Whom the Bell Tolls" off...
ESP USA Horizon-II Demo by Luis Kalil
Virtuoso guitarist Luis Kalil does a demo of the ESP USA Horizon-II. Available in a wide variety of finishes, top woods, and hardware combinations, the ESP USA Horizon-II features set-thru construction at 25.5” scale, with a...
NAMM 2023: LTD TL Series
Live from the ESP booth at NAMM 2023, a spotlight on the LTD TL Series....
Mr. Seidel: "Within The Eyes" (playthrough)
ESP ALL ACCESS COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT! A reminder to everyone: the ESP All Access community is made up of all kinds of guitar players around the world. Many of you are typical musicians, playing primarily because it's...